Day One: Coping With the Rage
Unless one has smoked tobacco products for a substantial length of time, one cannot know the utter panic that ensues the instant the last one is snuffed out.
I am no longer a smoker. I will not be defined by smoking. I will not smell like cigarette smoke. My skin will not get dry and crackly before the age of 40. My lungs may recycle themselves. I no longer have the social standing of a rabid, slightly retarded leper. I can develop my own judgmental and self-righteous attitude about the dangers of smoking and be cool like the rest of the non-smoking world and make people who are still smoking feel like rabid, slightly retarded lepers because obviously they have not seen the neat, minimalist billboards. They must not know, or worse, care, that they are destroying their bodies and everyone else’s right to clean, fresh air. It is now my job to educate the poor trash of which I was once a part.
For some reason, when I give up smoking, I feel overwhelmed and controlled by utter, blazing rage. I want to KILL MAIM HURT. I think this says something pretty profound about me. It says that the only reason I smoke is to keep from killing the rest of you, and giving up the death sticks may be good for MY health, but it is
Definitely. Bad. For. Yours.
I don’t know how, but this is all your fault. I need a Fight Club for Girls.
You rock, sister mine.
"rabid, slightly retarded lepers" love it. where do you come up with this shit? I affirm you and I run for cover.
Okay, she got to it first, but "rabid, slightly retarded leper" is GENIUS, girl. (I'm not afraid of your rage, though, 'cuz I got my own. Although I can't say I've ever diluted it...
I like it neat.)
Good on ya on the human choice front, fo' sho'. Live longer, sing stronger, beer bonger (how'd that get in there?) and just generally, yeah. Okay, then.
Good for you, [lyd]. Feel free to aim at me if you ever need to take out some rage. I'm both tough enough to take it, and live way over in Seattle where you can't hurt me much. Without going through a lot of effort, at least.
I feel your pain. :)
It's hard to completely understand, for people not-of-the-death-sticks, I think. And loads of ex-smokers will give you hell, and let you know how hard it is. Even more, will be the reactions you get from your ex-leper-brethren. Hang in there.
I quit a few months ago (before I relapsed), and it is indeed an awesome feeling, in the end. It's great to be one of those cool, collected people; it's a good feeling to be without that constant voice at the back of your brain, the running timeline telling you when you need your next. That moment seems far away, in the beginning, but once you've got it, don't let it go.
I'll get back to my wandering now.
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